Seasonal Depression and Anxiety


Millions of people in the U.S. live with depression and anxiety disorders. For some, it can be a daily struggle to manage the effects of these disorders. Many times, it can be brought on by a life-changing incident, such as the loss of a loved one, coping with a serious illness, being terminated from a job, or getting a divorce. Any of these situations can lead an individual to feel sad, lonely and fearful, and can make them experience these feelings off and on. For people who have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety as medical disorders, periods of sadness, loneliness and hopelessness are more severe and last longer. The therapists at Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska work with clients to help them understand their depression or anxiety disorder and teach them coping skills to manage their symptoms so they can live a productive life.

Difference Between Depression and Anxiety Disorders

It’s important to understand that depression and anxiety disorders are different and have their own causes and symptoms. Individuals diagnosed with a depression disorder may experience symptoms like being nervous and irritable, have difficulty sleeping, and struggle to focus, similar to an anxiety disorder. There is evidence that many people suffer from both depression and anxiety disorders. 

Symptoms of Depression

More women than men experience depression, and symptoms can be different. In women, depression displays as feeling sad and worthless. For men, it can present as being tired, irritable, angry, and they avoid recognizing that they are depressed. In older adults, they are less likely to own up to feeling sadness, and personal health conditions may attribute to their depression. 

When individuals experience these symptoms for extended periods of time, some people tend to dismiss them or try and treat their emotional and behavioral issues by using alcohol and substances which can have an adverse effect. It’s important to seek professional help. Antidepressant medications are commonly used to help people manage their depression. At Stepping Stones, you will find compassionate, caring counselors who are trained to help individuals get back to feeling more positive, worthwhile, and enjoying the things that make them happy. 

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions and affect all ages. Individuals that suffer with anxiety disorders have extreme fear or worry about everything. Symptoms can include:

  • Feeling nervous

  • Becoming irritable

  • Feeling panic or doom

  • Hyperventilating and feeling heart beat faster

  • Sweating or trembling

  • Developing stomach problems

  • Feeling tired

  • Being unable to focus or concentrate

  • Struggling to sleep

Anxiety disorders are real and should be taken seriously. It’s important to seek professional help to manage symptoms of anxiety disorders. Stepping Stones in Lincoln, NE works with individuals to develop a person-centered treatment plan specific to their needs that incorporates healthy coping and problem-solving skills.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons, usually beginning in the late fall and early winter and going away in the spring and summer. Depressive episodes occurring in the summer are less common than winter episodes.

Symptoms of the Winter SAD include:

  • Lack of energy 

  • Hypersomnia

  • Overeating

  • Weight gain

  • Craving for carbohydrates

  • Social withdrawal 

Symptoms of the Summer SAD include:

  • Poor appetite with associated weight loss

  • Insomnia

  • Agitation

  • Restlessness

  • Anxiety

  • Episodes of violent behavior

Seasonal Affective Disorder can be treated with medication, light therapy, psychotherapy, and Vitamin D, and may be used alone or in combination.

  • Medication

  • Light therapy

  • Psychotherapy

  • Vitamin D

How We Can Help

If you or someone you know may be suffering from depression and/or anxiety disorders, call Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska at 402-483-4571 for a more in-depth evaluation. Our trained professionals can help individuals regain their ability to enjoy life. For more information, visit

Sources: Anxiety and Depression Association of America; National Institute of Mental Health