Our Alcohol Counselors are Here to Help


Alcohol Counselor

Alcohol consumption is widely accepted and commonly used by people in a range of ages, classes, and personalities for a variety of reasons, like for self-medicating and socializing. As a result, millions of Americans also suffer from the misuse and abuse of alcohol. Excessive use of alcohol can lead to physical problems, like liver damage and mental health conditions, such as depression. Over time, alcohol misuse can change the normal function of areas of the brain and how a person experiences pleasure and judgment. This can also increase cravings for alcohol. These problems may become a burden on both the alcohol abuser and their family. 

Since denial is common, it is important to listen when loved ones, relatives, and co-workers express concerns about someone drinking too much alcohol or alcohol consumption causing problems. Talking with a doctor will confirm if there is a problem, and a provider can refer patients to an alcohol counselor, like those at Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska, or to a support group. Alcohol abuse often goes untreated because the abuser does not recognize they have a problem. Listening is key and watching for warning signs is essential. 

Increased Risk of Alcohol Abuse and Misuse

Certain people have a higher risk of alcohol use becoming misuse. It may be genetic, psychological, social or environmental factors, or a combination of these that impact the effects of alcohol on a person’s body and behavior.

Alcohol use may begin in the teens, but alcohol use disorder occurs more frequently in the 20s and 30s, though it can start at any age. Increased risk for alcohol abuse can occur due to any of the following. 

  • Starting Early – Binge drinking at an early age increases risk.

  • Familial Link – Genetics play a part in risk of alcohol abuse. If a family member struggles with alcoholism, you may be more likely. 

  • Mental Health Problems – People with mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression, increase their risk of problems with alcohol.

  • Trauma – A history of trauma increases the risk of an alcohol use disorder.

  • Social and Cultural Influences – Parents, peers, and other role models can impact risk.

How Do I Know if I Need an Alcohol Counselor?

Alcohol use disorders can be mild, moderate, or severe based on the number of symptoms experienced. The need for help also varies from person to person based on symptoms. Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Feeling strong cravings or urges to drink and not being in control of how much alcohol is consumed.

  • Spending too much time obtaining alcohol and/or recovering from alcohol misuse.

  • Failing to fulfill obligations at work, school or home due to alcohol misuse.

  • Continuing to drink alcohol even though you know it's causing physical, social, or interpersonal problems.

  • Reducing or eliminating social activities, work activities, or hobbies.

  • Using alcohol in situations where it's not safe, i.e while driving.

  • Developing a tolerance to alcohol so you need more to feel its effect.

  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating, and shaking.

We Recommend Seeking Help

If you or a loved one suffer from signs and symptoms of alcohol use or abuse, Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska recommends the help of an alcohol counselor. With an alcohol counselor, you are more likely to be held accountable, learn effective coping skills, and have support in the event of a relapse.

Also, excessive alcohol consumption can impair judgment and increase the likelihood of partaking in dangerous behaviors, including:

  • Accidents, like car accidents and drowning

  • Relationship problems

  • Hindering work or school performance

  • Committing or becoming victim to crimes

  • Legal and financial problems

  • Abuse of other substances

  • Risky sexual encounters

  • Suicide attempts and/or success

The Role of the Alcohol Counselor

Each alcohol abuse situation is unique and our counselors at Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska consider all circumstances and needs of their patients. They help patients conquer their substance misuse so they can get back to living their best lives. Specifically, our counselors:

  • Create a trusted relationship with their patients.

  • Build a recovery plan.

  • Identify triggers and challenges.

  • Follow up for accountability and support.

Our Counselors 

For individuals and families in need of an alcohol counselor, Stepping Stones in Lincoln offers alcohol counseling in a safe and welcoming environment. We understand that alcohol abuse is difficult to overcome and it can impact an individual’s life, as well as members of their family. Our qualified, effective counselors are ready to begin your journey to sobriety with you.

  • Jamie Corder, PLADC, is a Provisionally Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor with provides counseling, advocacy and support to individuals and families experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, and addiction.  

  • Shannon Miller, LADC, PLMHP, is a Provisionally Licensed Mental Health Practitioner and Licensed Alcohol Drug Counselor. With 12 years of counseling, she specializes in substance abuse and addiction, and mental health issues, including chronic pain, depression, trauma, and co-occurring mental health issues. 

Our licensed professional counselors will work with you, or with you and your family, to develop a person-centered treatment plan specific to your needs. Alcohol counseling is offered by appointment. To schedule an appointment with Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska, please call 402-488-6511. We also offer many other services on our website. For more information visit steppingstoneslincoln.com


  • https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline

  • https://alcoholaddictioncenter.org/treatment/counseling/

  • https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/high-functioning-alcoholic

  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alcohol-use-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20369243