Posts tagged Alcohol Assessment
Our Alcohol Counselors are Here to Help

Alcohol consumption is widely accepted and commonly used by people in a range of ages, classes, and personalities for a variety of reasons, like for self-medicating and socializing. As a result, millions of Americans also suffer from the misuse and abuse of alcohol.

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Painkiller Addiction: They Kill More than Pain

Painkiller addiction is killing Americans. Over one-third of all Americans manage pain with prescription painkillers. Every day, sixty people die as a result of overdoses from opioids. In a year, that's 22,630 deaths in the U.S. Narcotic painkillers are highly addictive because they relieve pain and give a euphoric feeling that the user’s brain becomes addicted to. When taken as prescribed, painkillers are less likely to be a problem, but users still fall into painkiller addiction for a variety of reasons. Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska wants people to understand more about painkillers and addiction so they can avoid the dangers. 

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Save a Life with an Alcohol or Drug Assessment

Drug and alcohol abuse can have lasting effects, including death. From opioid overdose alone, an average of 130 Americans die every day. If you are concerned about drug or alcohol use, for yourself or a loved one, a drug and alcohol assessment is the best way to determine a need for help. Once we determine that drugs or alcohol are a problem, Stepping Stones in Lincoln, Nebraska can provide you with a treatment plan to get you or your loved ones back to a healthy lifestyle. When coming in for a drug and alcohol assessment, remember it is only a recommendation. You are not required to take any action until you are ready, though we encourage you to take any necessary steps to get the help you need.

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